2024 Day of Caring Volunteer Registration

Contact Information
Day of Caring T-Shirt's

We will be providing T-Shirts from past years of Day of Caring for any volunteer who would like one.  No guarantee of size.  Selection will be available during check-in the morning of June 21st. 

THIS YEAR all volunteers will receive a 2024 DAY OF CARING apron!   

Volunteer Needs

Please only select one (1) volunteer spot.

If you are able, please bring any tools/equipment needed for the spot you select.

Waiver & Release

Please read, click on buttons and sign
For and in consideration of the opportunity to participate in the philanthropic volunteer program offered by United Way of South Central Massachusetts, Inc., the undersigned hereby voluntarily releases, discharges, waives and relinquishes any and all actions or causes or action for the personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to it arising as a result of the activities or services which the undersigned may engage in through the volunteer opportunities offered by United Way of South Central Massachusetts, Inc., or any activities incidental thereto, wherever or however the same may occur and for whatever period said activities or services may continue, and the undersigned does for himself or herself, his or her heirs, agents, executors, administrators and assigns hereby release, waive, discharge and relinquish any action or causes of action aforesaid, which may hereafter arise for it, and agrees that under no circumstances will the undersigned or her or his heirs, agents , executors, administrators present any claim for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death against nited Way of South Central Massachusetts, Inc. or any of their parents, officers, agents, servants, or employees for any of said persons, or otherwise. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED BY THIS INSTRUMENT TO EXEMPT AND RELIEVE United Way of South Central Massachusetts, Inc. FROM LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR WRONGFUL DEATH CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE. The undersigned, for herself or himself, her or his heirs, agents, executors, administrators agrees that in the event that any claim for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death shall be prosecuted against United Way of South Central Massachusetts, Inc., the undersigned shall indemnify and save harmless the same from any and all claims or causes of action by whomever or wherever made or presented for personal injuries, property damage or wrongful death. The undersigned agrees to allow United Way of South Central Massachusetts, Inc., and sponsors of its events to use his or her name, voice, photo, and likeness for promotional purposes without any cash considerations or payments. The undersigned acknowledges that she or he has read the foregoing and is fully aware of the legal consequences of signing this instrument.

Photo Release Statement

Volunteer agrees to and permits United Way to take photographic images and video and audio recordings of him/her during his/her work relating to the Day of Caring. Volunteer also grants and conveys to United Way all rights, titles and interests in said photographic images and video and audio recordings, including but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds or other benefits derived from such photographs or recordings.  Volunteer further consents to and authorizes United Way to use and reproduce said photographic images, video and audio recordings and to circulate and publicize the same by all means, including but not limited to, newspapers and other print media, television media, brochures, pamphlets, marketing materials and websites.

Volunteer Signature

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