Our community will only prosper and grow if all families are financially stable. Fewer financial stresses lead to healthier lives, improved work performance, and better education outcomes. United Way invests in programs that help adults improve their education level and create a more financially secure future for themselves and their families. United Way’s work in Financial Stability is focused on ensuring all families and individuals achieve independence for individuals and families.

Our Impact

Of those who utilized United Way-funded financial capabilities programs

  • 98% understood how credit works
  • 99% understood the importance of saving money for the future
  • 98% understood their personal budget
  • 98% made progress towards their personal goals
  • 98% had more confidence in making financial decisions
  • 98% made progress on towards personal goals

Safe & Stable Homes

United Way is ensuring individuals and families have safe and affordable permanent housing. We do this, by investing in programs that help people meet their basic needs of food and shelter. 

Our Impact

Of those that utilized United Way-funded emergency shelters:

  • 88% felt their housing would improve after leaving the shelter
  • 68/% set personal goals towards self-improvement
  • 64% made progress towards their goals
  • 94% felt their basic needs were met

Reducing Barriers to Employment

United Way is helping others to build education credentials and skill certification to overcome barriers to employment. To do this, we invest in programs that help individuals navigate through the legal system and gain educational and/or training skills to secure and maintain employment that offers a family sustaining wage.

Our Impact

Of those that participated in United Way-funded reducing barriers to employment programs:

  • 83% achieved/gained job-specific credentials (certificate, license, etc…)
  • 86% improved their computer skills
  • 89% improved their job interviewing skills
  • 89% improved their resume writing skills

Massachusetts 211

Mass 211 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects callers to information about critical health and human services available in their community. It serves as a confidential resource for finding government benefits and services, nonprofit organizations, support groups, volunteer opportunities, donation programs, and other local resources. Mass 211 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Residents can contact the program toll free at (877) 211-6277 or search the Mass 211 Resource Locator here. Mass 211 is funded by the United Way in partnership with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.