Food insecurity and hunger is a growing problem in America. COVID-19 has made it even more difficult for many people to access food and get the nutrition they need. United Way is helping those that are struggling to put food on their tables or have access to daily meals. As part of the United Way COVID-19 Fund, and with donations from local residents, United Way of South Central Massachusetts (UWSCM) is providing much needed funds to local food pantries and Tri-Valley, Inc.’s Meals on Wheels program.
On Thursday, May 28, UWSCM Board President Bill Keefe, Board Secretary Joyce Mezzoni, Board Member Webster Police Chief Michael Shaw and Executive Director Mary O’Coin, presented checks to Tri-Valley, Inc., Webster Dudley Food Share and Our Bright Future’s, North Village Food Pantry in Webster. Additional grants will be made to St. John Paul II Food Pantry and Southbridge Food Share, as well as, the Charlton CHIP-In Food Pantry.
The United Way will continue its COVID-19 Fund and will make future grants depending on the donations it receives over the next month. To donate to the fund follow this link.